Motor Speech Sound Disorders
Carrie specializes in differential diagnosis related to dysarthria and apraxia. Comprehensive assessment includes areas such as motor programming and planning, speech intelligibility, strength, range of motion, stability, and respiratory support that are required for speech.
The evaluation process allows us to identify the underlying cause in order to provide an accurate and differential diagnosis.
Following the evaluation, we will review the results and recommendations. When therapy is recommended, we will collaborate with the family to develop a treatment plan and goals. A written report will also be provided to parents.
Individualized Therapy
Our approach to therapy is always individualized to the client to ensure the activities, tools, and methods we are using are appropriate for the client and their goals. It is our commitment to provide high-quality and evidence-based therapy.
Carrie has advanced training and/or certifications in:
80 hrs in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
75 hrs in sensory-motor and feeding issues
50 hours in Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs), Tethered Oral Tissue (TOTs), Airway/Breathing related disorders that negatively impact speech development
PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Musculature Phonetic Targets)​​